
Vulva Projekt


The agreement is made between the project-woman and the photographer and the curator of the exhibition.


The work will become part of exhibitions.
I put my emphasis on creating a cultivated and refined public space and in organizing events around the exhibition which build awareness. The setting is free of pornography. In each exhibition there will be the portraits of the vulvas, possibly some personal contributions of the women involved in the project which have evolved out of the context of exploring their own sexuality, and there might be some complementary works of other artists.


My aim is to create a room of perception in which the vulva can be made visible in her uniqueness and diversity.


The collaboration includes:
  • One individual photo session; place and time upon mutual agreement. Duration is 3-4h
  • A second meeting to choose the portrait and to give closure to the collaboration. Duration 1-2hrs.

Personal contributions

Women who take part in the vulva-project can look at their sexual biography individually or in group processes. If this process leads into an expression, be it a poem, a text, a video, a drawing, a sound document, then this creation can become part of the exhibition. The contribution does not have to adhere to any artistic or designer standard. It is important that this expression comes from a place of authenticity and truth and thus provides a poignant and touching experience for the visitor.
The form and space that the woman’s contribution will take in the exhibition will be discussed with her. The ultimate decision lies with the curator herself.
The contribution is a loan to the exhibition and cannot be withdrawn during the duration of the show. After the show the contribution goes back to the woman. If it is possible a duplicate of the contribution stays with the curator. If this is not possible the woman agrees to lend her contribution again for a repetition of the show.

Protection of the personal rights

  • Each publication outside the context of the project, the exhibition and its catalogue, can only be arranged with the agreement of the subject.
  • The anonymity of the photographed woman is granted.

Copy rights

  • The negatives are property of the photographer.
  • The photographies are not for sale
  • The subject has the right for personal use of the negatives. She will receive small prints of all the takes and one large print.
  • There is no financial compensation to the woman.

Financial arrangements

  • The vulva-portrait session costs Sfr. 400.- including the material and prints (divers small ones and one large print)
  • The images are not for sale.
  • There is no financial contribution for the collaboration.
  • Further sessions supporting the process must be paid for separately.
  • If a woman wants to withdraw one or more images, not wanting them to be part of the exhibition any longer, she must pay Sfr. 500.- to the curator.

the photographer and curator

The woman

Place:                 Date: